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Comparison of various coating processes for steel pipe anticorrosion

Update:2023-11-16      View(s):495        Keywords :Comparison of various coating processes for steel pipe anticorrosion        
Comparison of various coating processes

Steel pipe anti-corrosive coating process one:
Due to the curtain coating method, the film sags seriously. Besides, due to the unreasonable design of rollers and chains, the coating film has two longitudinal and multiple circular scratches. This process is being eliminated. The only advantage of this process is that it is heated and dried after coating

Steel pipe anti-corrosive coating process two:
The coating film has quality defects such as sagging, spiral scratches, and whitening. Especially serious is that the thickness of the coating on the spiral scratches is only one-fifth of the specified thickness, and the appearance is very poor. At the same time, the process has hidden dangers of process fire caused by static ignition. In recent years, several fire accidents have occurred, posing a threat to safe production. The lack of a drying process is also an important defect of this process. Due to the many insurmountable and mutually restrictive contradictions in this process, it has become increasingly obsolete and can no longer meet the requirements of modern factory automatic coating. It will gradually withdraw from the field of steel pipe coating.

Steel pipe anti-corrosive coating process three:
It is a technologically advanced but not very mature craft. Spraying and curing are completed instantly between two rollers, and its advantages are self-evident. However, there are also insurmountable weaknesses. For example, the pretreatment requirements for the surface of the steel pipe are extremely strict, and if you are not careful, the adhesion will be significantly reduced; UV coatings and equipment are expensive and require high technical management; the coating is brittle and suffers It is easy to partly fall off when bumped, and it is difficult to recoat. Due to so many problems, the promotion of this process is restricted

Steel pipe anti-corrosion coating process four:
It is a technologically advanced and relatively mature process developed in recent years. It overcomes the serious sag, scratches, whitening, and fragility of the coating film in other processes. The coating film produced by it has strong adhesion, flexibility, good anti-rust effect, minimal sag, and complete appearance. The process also has the characteristics of simple operation, complete supporting facilities, low technical management requirements, and safety. Due to the perfect technology, it is called "the complete set of steel pipe heating airless spraying technology"


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Comparison of various coating processes for steel pipe anticorrosion

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