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Description of the main production process of LSAW steel pipe

Update:2020-06-17      View(s):886        Keywords :Description of the main production process of LSAW steel pipe        

LSAW steel pipe

Plate Ultrasonic Inspection

Each plate is first full-plate ultrasonic inspected after entering the process


Plate Edge Milling

The Plate edges are milled by Edge Milling Machine to obtain the required width, parallelism and bevel angles;


Plate Edge Crimping

The two edges of the plate are crimped at the Crimping Machine to get the required radius;


LSAW steel pipe


The first half of the plate is fed step by step into the Pipe Forming Press to form the plate into a” J “shape. Then another half of the plate is pressed step by step to form the plate into” C “shape. The last stroke is to press the plate into an open “O” shape;


Continuous Tack Welding

The two edges of the open seam pipe should be brought together by tack welding machine then welded by tack welder using metal active-gas arc welding (MAG) process;


Inside Welding

the pipe is welded from inside of the pipe by multipass tandem submerged-arc welding (max. four wires)


Outside Welding

The pipe is welded from outside of the pipe by multipass tandem submerged-arc welding;


Ultrasonic Testing I

The welded area on both sides of the weld are 100% tested by automatic ultrasonic tester . 


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 LSAW steel pipe

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