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Prospect of LSAW steel pipe in long distance transportation

Update:2017-10-09      View(s):1419        Keywords :Prospect of LSAW steel pipe in long distance transportation         

There is new discovery for treasure of different types of fuel in our country recently. Thus, mining and transportation under the help of various steel pipe like LSAW steel pipe would make the whole project speed up, especially for long distance transportation.


Mining for petroleum in sea has marched in deep sea, remote and cold area. Under this situation, it is necessary to prepare various steel pipes for the mining and transportation of petroleum. With the large mining of multifarious types of products which need the help of steel pipe, we know the demand for pipes are increasing. Meanwhile, with the bad weather, hard storage, it requires high quality steel pipes for work too. All of these demands give opportunities for the LSAW steel pipe for its relatively low cost, good quality and easy to produce.  


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seamless steel pipe,welded steel pipe

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