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Which kind of steel pipe is nice for industrial pipeline

Update:2018-06-21      View(s):1044        Keywords :Which kind of steel pipe is nice for industrial pipeline        

Talking about industrial pipeline, some clients would say that it is seamless steel pipe. Of course we have it for industrial pipeline. However, we should choose it according different work situation of the industrial pipeline.


With different work situation, there are two main categories for industrial pipeline. They are process pipelines and power pipelines.

Generally speaking, flow pipeline means the pipeline transporting the main material of the product, which is also called material pipe.

And for power pipeline, I think we’ve heard it so much. They are steam pipe, air pressure pipe, nitrogen pipe and so on. Power lines affect the normal operation of production.


For different physical and chemical characters of the products we need to convey, we should choose the relative pipe for it. 


Related Information

seamless steel pipe, stainless steel pipe

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