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Threeway Steel Co., Ltd

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Address: 22nd Floor, Royal Wing Tower, Long Champ International Building, No.9 Xiangfu Road, Changsha, Hunan, China, PC: 410116


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President Speech on 4th Sept.

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-30        View(s) : 1913

If the enterprise want to take the "innovation" as one of the most important cultural concept, we have to encourage inter-departmental communication and cooperation, also multiple background fusion. General Manager Talk on 4th Sept. The most important thinking of the internet is the user t...

Categories of Welded Pipe and Their Use

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-30        View(s) : 1989

Steel pipe generally can be divided into two categories: one is welded steel pipe, the other is seamless steel pipe.  Welded steel pipe, also known as welded pipe, it is made of steel sheet or strip that experience crimp forming welding. The production technology of welded steel pipe is simpl...

Definition of SSAW

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-29        View(s) : 1957

Spiral submerged arc (SSAW) is its forward direction and forming tube  centerline hose reel molding angle (adjustable), side molding edge welding and weld them into a spiral, the advantage of the same specification to produce a variety of diameter sizes steel pipe, raw materials t...

Steel enables innovation. Steel is creativity, applied.

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-22        View(s) : 1805

Steel’s properties make innovation possible, allowing ideas to be achieved, solutions to be found and possibilities to be reality. Steel makes the art of engineering possible, and beautiful. Key facts: New lightweight steel makes applications lighter and more flexible while retaining the requi...

Let's talk about steel

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-21        View(s) : 1902

We recognise that, because of its critical role, people are interested in steel and the effect it has on the global economy. We are committed to being open, honest and transparent in all our communications about our industry, its performance and the impact we have. Key facts: ...

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