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Threeway Steel Co., Ltd


Address: 22nd Floor, Royal Wing Tower, Long Champ International Building, No.9 Xiangfu Road, Changsha, Hunan, China, PC: 410116


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Definition of SAW steel pipe

Keywords :        Update : 2015-11-04        View(s) : 2973

The complete name of SAW steel pipe is Submerged Arc Welding Steel Pipe , and it is maded out with submerged arc welding process technology. Electric current density is quite high and flux layer help to prevent rapidly dissipating heating, moreover will make heating focused on the welding area. T...

Our managers are visiting curstomers in Dubai and Qatar

Keywords :        Update : 2015-11-04        View(s) : 2883

Our managers had started their schedual to visit customers in Dubai, Qatar and Abu Dhabi this week. ...

The characteristic of welded steel pipe

Keywords :        Update : 2015-11-03        View(s) : 1983

Thetechnology of LSAW steel pipe is simple, high production efficiency, low cost with fast development. And strength of SSAW steel pipe is higher than LSAW steel pipe, we could produce large  dimeter welded pipes with narrow steel plate, also we could produce different outside ...

Classification of welded steel pipe

Keywords :        Update : 2015-11-02        View(s) : 2078

General materials of Welded Steel pipes: Q235A, Q235C, Q235B, 16Mn, 20#, Q345, L245, L290, X42, X46, X60, X80, 0Cr13,1Cr17, 00Cr19Ni11, 1Cr18Ni9, 0Cr18Ni11Nb and etc. The material of welded pipes is teel plate or strip steel, it is divided to furnace butt-weld pipe, electric resista...

Product Test in Tianjin- Rachel Chow

Keywords :        Update : 2015-11-01        View(s) : 749

Our sales manager went to Tianjin to test the product- LSAW steel pipe accompany with her customers. Her customers shows great praise and said that he will keep in good business relationship with we Threeway Steel Co.,Ltd in the future. ...

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