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Global steel output rose nearly 2% in August

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-23        View(s) : 101

According to the most recent statistics published by the World Steel Association, the crude steel production by 66 member countries was 134.125 million tonnes (Mt) in August this year, rising by 1.9% comparison with production of 131.565 Mt during same month a year before. South America The c...

Chinese steel output rebounds in August; Demand limps

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-20        View(s) : 1402

The latest data released by the country’s National Bureau of Statistics indicates that Chinese crude steel output rebounded during the month of August this year. This is the sixth consecutive month that the crude steel production has registered increase month-on-month. However, the finished steel ou...

Steel is used in all areas of renewable energy.

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-18        View(s) : 1715

Biomass: steel is used extensively in agriculture. Solar: steel plays a key role in converting solar energy into electricity or hot water. It is used as a base for solar thermal-panels and in pumps, tanks and heat exchangers. Wave and tidal: a steel pile is the main component of a tidal turbine ...

US Steel shipments down 3.6 percent in July

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-17        View(s) : 1797

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that for the month of July 2016, U.S. steel mills shipped 7,352,698 net tons, a 3.6 percent decrease from the 7,628,953 net tons shipped in the previous month, June 2016, and a 3.2 percent decrease from the 7,591,897 net tons shipped in July 2015...

Commerce: China Illegally Dumped Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip, 64-77% Duties

Keywords :        Update : 2016-09-14        View(s) : 107

The Department of Commerce has preliminarily found that Chinese stainless steel sheet and strip producers illegally dumped — sold at less than fair value — their products in the U.S. Commerce preliminarily found that dumping occurred by mandatory respondents,Shanxi Taigang Stainless Stee...

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