Threeway Steel Co., Ltd
Address: 22nd Floor, Royal Wing Tower, Long Champ International Building, No.9 Xiangfu Road, Changsha, Hunan, China, PC: 410116Phone:0086-731-8873-9521
Keywords :India Iron ore exports scale new heights on strong China demand Update : 2020-10-22 View(s) : 921
Iron ore exports have reached new highs in the last two months on the back of strong demand from China. Export shipments of iron ore in September were four million tonnes against 1.14 million tonnes in the same month last year. Over August 2020, the shipments were up 3 per cent. ...
Keywords :Danieli Improves Productivity at SeAH Besteel EAF Update : 2020-10-19 View(s) : 940
South Korean special steel producer SeAH Besteel has contracted Danieli to increase the process efficiency for EAF 3 at the Gunsan meltshop. The steel quality targets indicated for this 100-ton electric furnace require the use of low-residual scrap, which results in very dense charge mixes. The ...
Keywords :COVID19 Closes Clive Steel Plant in Georgia Update : 2020-10-14 View(s) : 951
Cives Steel, which has made steel structures in Thomasville in Georgia for 39 years, last week shut down and 100 employees lost their jobs. Company President Greg Orff told the Thomasville Times-Enterprise that said the COVID-19 pandemic created an unanticipated and unsustainable situation in wh...
Keywords :UAE Extends Ban on Steel Scrap Exports for 4 Months Update : 2020-09-28 View(s) : 1118
UAE ’ s Ministry of Economy has announced the extension of the country ’ s ban on exports of ferrous and paper waste, aiming to support local steelmakers amid the deteriorating market conditions. UAE ’ s Ministry of Economy issued a directive to suspend the export of raw materials, in parti...
Keywords :US rebar industry welcomes continuation of trade remedies against Mexico and Turkey Update : 2020-09-25 View(s) : 978
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) found today that revocation of the countervailing duty order against Turkey and the anti-dumping order against Mexico would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to the domestic rebar industry within a reasonably foreseeabl...