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Tariffs on Indian Welded Stainless Pipe Confirmed

Update:2016-09-27   View(s):1806   Keywords :
The Department of Commerce placed anti-dumping duty and countervailing duties on imports of welded stainless pressure pipe from India today. This was a final determinationthat affirmed Commerce’s previous preliminary determination in March.

In the countervailing duties investigation, Commerce found that mandatory respondentSteamline Industries Limited received countervailable subsidies at a rate of 3.13% and that mandatory respondent Sunrise Stainless Private Limited, Sun Mark Stainless Pvt. Ltd., and Shah Foils Ltd. (collectively, “Sunrise Group”) received countervailable subsidies at a rate of 6.22%. Commerce assigned a final subsidy rate of 4.65% for all other producers/exporters in India.

As a result of the affirmative final determinations, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect cash deposits equal to the applicable weighted-average dumping and subsidy margins.

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