A girl selling seamless steel pipe
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A girl selling seamless steel pipe

Update:2017-11-08   View(s):1854   Keywords :seamless steel pipe, spiral steel pipe

Lots of friends were shocked and asked me why when I told them that I’m a seller of seamless steel pipe. Why shouldn’t girl be a steel pipe’s seller just due to the special industry?


I’m a girl, but I will pay attention to the price tendency of the steel pipes and steel every day, every week as it is my job to do that. And I can change selling plans once I get the price change on the primary time.

I’ll read relative news about steel or steel pipes so that I can tell my clients the recent news about it when we discuss about the product.

I’ll remember the details of different types of steel pipe, like seamless steel pipe, ERW steel pipe, LSAW steel pipe and SSAW steel pipe even with the detailed model about them so that I can introduce to them easily.


A girl doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have interest in the steel industry. Engineering project has girl in it. So I’m here and I’m a girl selling seamless steel pipe.