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Coating requirements for 3PE anti-corrosion steel pipes
Update:2024-09-24 View(s):224 Keywords :3PE steel pipe, anti corrosion steel pipe, coating steel pipe
The coating requirements for 3PE anti-corrosion steel pipes include the following three aspects:
(1) A coating with good corrosion resistance should be relatively stable when exposed to various corrosive media such as acids, alkalis, salts, industrial sewage, chemical atmospheres, etc. It should not be dissolved, swollen, or decomposed by the corrosive media, nor should it react chemically with the media to generate new harmful substances;
(2) When a good anti-seepage coating comes into contact with a highly permeable liquid or gas medium, it should be able to prevent its penetration and erosion of the pipeline surface;
(3)Good adhesion and elasticity: The coating will not fall off due to pipeline vibration or slight deformation, and the coating is required to have a certain mechanical strength.