Flow chart comparison for production process of seamless steel pipe
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Flow chart comparison for production process of seamless steel pipe

Update:2018-11-05   View(s):1309   Keywords :seamless steel pipe, steel pipe

We can recite the two kinds of production process of seamless steel pipe even we close our eyes. However, have you ever done some deep research for them? Today, we would like to use flow chart to make a comparison and we hope this would give you help before your decision of which kind of steel pipe to purchase.


From the flow chart above, we can see the difference clearly. First of all, the basic production process like billet inspection, acid washing and cleaning, cutting, packaging would be same. And our main focus would be the main production process.

And the main difference would be here: cold drawn seamless steel pipe would go through the heating, piercing, pipe rolling, head driving. While the hot rolled tube would go through the centering, heating and pipe rolling, reheating process. Thus, due to the different process, cold rolled steel surface quality, appearance, dimensional accuracy are better than hot-rolled plate, and right-rolled thin product thickness is about 0.18mm, so the majority of users favor.

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