Knowledge of Api 5l Steel Pipe
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Knowledge of Api 5l Steel Pipe

Update:2017-03-27   View(s):1686   Keywords :API 5L steel pipe,welded pipe,ssaw steel pipe
ASTM Scope: 
This Standard specifies requirements for the manufacture of two product specification levels (PSL1 and PSL2) of steel pipes for use in pipeline transportation systems in the petroleum and natural gas industries. This Standard is not applicable to cast pipe.
Product Knowledge: 
API 5L steel pipe also requires a monogram license for Manufacturer, and it maintains the Composite Index of approved Manufacturer. This means that, at the request of a potential manufacturer, API will send auditors to the mill to ensure that they have the capability to meet the requirements of the standard. This would be similar to a franchise, but API has no financial benefit from the mill, and does not accept any liability for the actions of the mill or the performance of the product. 
API 5L steel pipe does not have its own table of pipe dimensions. Rather, like the ASTM standards, it reverts to ASME B36.10 for the nominal pipe dimensions. Therefore, API 5L pipe products are often multi-certified to similar ASTM A53, A106 and A333 grades, where the requirements of all these specifications are met. 
Rather than “re-invent the wheel”, ASME has recognized the widespread availability of API 5L product, and has adopted these grades for use in pressure piping (B31.X) applications. Note that API 5L piping products are not acceptable for use in ASME BPVC pressure vessels, unless they exceed the requirements of the engineering design and are approved by the local pressure vessel authority (just like for any other unlisted pipe specification). 
In the API 5L steel pipe specification, there are requirements for BOTH non-destructive testing and hydrotesting. Because this spec is often a legal requirement, neither the end-user nor the manufacturer is permitted to waive these requirements. 
Special Annexes in API 5L further clarify requirements for sour service and off-shore applications. 

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