Ordering information list for steel pipe
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ERW Steel Pipe, ERW Line Pipe

Threeway Steel Co., Ltd

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Ordering information list for steel pipe

Update:2018-11-29   View(s):1215   Keywords :ERW Steel Pipe, ERW Line Pipe

Recently, some of clients share their idea for purchasing steel pipes from seamless steel pipe to ERW steel pipe from Threewaysteel pipe compnay. And they don’t know exactly the type of steel pipe and the function of it. Today, we would like to list some ordering information for those who don’t know how to order the steel pipe.


The inquiry and order for material under specific specification should include the following information which would lead you to the exact steel pipe you need to wholesale:

1: Quantity (feet, meters, or number of lengths)

2: Name of material (steel pipe, electric-fusionwelded), Specification number,

3: Grade and class designations,

4: Size (inside or outside diameter, nominal or minimum wall thickness),

5: Length (specific or random),

6: End finish,

7: Purchase options, if any,

8: Supplementary requirements, if any.