Scope of API 5L Steel Pipe
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Scope of API 5L Steel Pipe

Update:2017-04-04   View(s):2029   Keywords :API 5L steel pipe,welded pipe,ssaw steel pipe
1 Scope
1.1 API 5L steel pipe specification covers seamless and welded steel line pipe. It includes standard-weight and extra-strong threaded line pipe. It includes standard-weight and extra-strong threaded line pipe; and standard-weight plain-end,regular-weight plain-end, special plain-end, extra-strong plain-end, special plain-end, extra-strong plain-end pipe; as as well as bell and spigot and through-the-flowline(TFL) pipe.The purpose of this specification is to provide standards for pipe suitable for use in conveying gas, water, and oil in both the oil and natural gas industries.
1.2 Dimensional requirements on threads and thread gauges, stipulations on gauging practice, gauge specifications and certification, as well as instruments and methods for inspecition of threads are given in API 5l Standard 5B and are applicable to products covered by this specification.
Grades covered by this specification are A25, A, B, X42, X46, X52, X56, X60, X65, X70, and X80 and grades intermediate to the Grades X42 and higher listed (see note). The chemical composition and mechanical properties of intermediate grades that are subject to agreement between the purchaser and the menufacturer must be consistent with the corresponding requirements for the grades to which the material is intermediate.
Note : The grade disignations used herein for Grades A and B do not include reference to the specified minimum yield strength. Other grade designations used herein comprise the letter A or X followed by the first two digits of the specified minimum yield strength.
1.3 Api 5l steel pipe manufactured as Grade X60 or higher shall not be substituted for pipe ordered for Grade X52 or lower with-out purchaser approval.
1.4 Although plain-end line pipe meeting this specification is primarily intended for field makeup by circumferential welding, the manufacturer will not assume responsibility for field welding.

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