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Threeway Steel-Seamless Steel Pipe, ERW Steel Pipe, LSAW Steel Pipe, SSAW Steel Pipe
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Seamless Steel Pipe,ERW Steel Pipe,LSAW Steel Pipe,SSAW Steel Pipe,

Threeway Steel Co., Ltd

E-mail: sales@srtsteelpipe.com

Address: 22nd Floor, Royal Wing Tower, Long Champ International Building, No.9 Xiangfu Road, Changsha, Hunan, China, PC: 410116


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Nothing is more important than the safety and health of people who work in the steel industry

Keywords :        Update : 2016-04-30        View(s) : 1893

Six Safety and Health principles for the steel industry: 1. A ll injuries and work-related illness can and must be prevented 2. Managers are responsible and accountable for safety and health performance 3. Employee engagement and training is essential...

March 2016 crude steel production

Keywords :        Update : 2016-04-30        View(s) : 1926

World crude steel production for the 66 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 137 million tonnes (Mt) in March 2016, a -0.5% decrease compared to March 2015. World crude steel production was 385.7 Mt in the first three months of 2016, down by -3.6% compared to ...

Steel facts-Integrity is at the heart of the steel industry

Keywords :        Update : 2016-04-27        View(s) : 1832

Nothing is more important to us than the well-being of our people and the health of our environment. Wherever we have worked, we have invested for the future and strived to build a sustainable world. We enable society to be the best it can be. We feel responsible; we always have. We ar...

New surface coating makes steel stronger, safer and durable

Keywords :        Update : 2016-04-27        View(s) : 1918

The team of Joanna Aizenberg, Professor of Materials Science at Amy Smith Berylson and core faculty member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, first developed Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS) in 2011 and has since demonstrated a broad ran...

Tools and machinery in steel markets

Keywords :        Update : 2016-04-27        View(s) : 1885

If a product is not made of steel, the chances are that it will be made from a machine made of steel. Steel is all around us; your car, your phone, your fridge - even the plastic and glass bottles you have inside your fridge - they are all made either of steel, or manufactured using steel tools. Pla...

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