Threeway Steel Co., Ltd
Address: 22nd Floor, Royal Wing Tower, Long Champ International Building, No.9 Xiangfu Road, Changsha, Hunan, China, PC: 410116Phone:0086-731-8873-9521
Keywords : Update : 2016-03-14 View(s) : 2019
The most recent report released by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)- the association of North American steel producers indicates that the US steel mill shipments rose significantly by 7.2% during the month of January this year when compared with the previous month. However, the shipments...
Keywords : Update : 2016-03-12 View(s) : 1795
China's plan to close 100 million-150 million tonnes of poorly performing steel capacity in the next five years is unlikely to be enough to drag the stricken sector out of the doldrums, a parliamentary delegate and steel mill head told Reuters. Reuters - China's plan to close 100 million-150 mi...
Keywords : Update : 2016-03-11 View(s) : 1928
In march,a full set of loading with 22 meters spiral pipe, which is research and development of new products by Shinestar Group Co.,Ltd, is ready to start.The new results make us become the only one manufacturer to produce 30 meters lengths spiral pipe in Central and southern China. S...
Keywords : Update : 2016-03-10 View(s) : 1608
US HR coil prices inched up by $1 to $402 a short ton during the week ended February 26, while major US stainless steel and steel scrap commodities prices on Scrap Register Price Index stayed stable. According to TSI, HR coil prices in the US Midwest firmed a dollar on T...
Keywords : Update : 2016-03-09 View(s) : 2188
Black pipe is plain steel pipe without any protective coatings. Black pipe is used for a variety of applications around the home. It is very common to see black pipe used for your natural gas line and sprinkler system lines. Since black pipe has no protective coating, it may rust easily in wet o...